At the top of your Page, choose Create an offer.

Choose whether people can use the offer Online, In Store, or Both. Enter your website URL if your offer can be redeemed online. Select an Offer Type from the drop-down menu and add details about your offer: Description Photos (up to 5) or Video Expiration Date Discount Code (Optional) Terms and Conditions (Optional) you'd like to create for your offer Total Offers Available (Optional) if you'd like to limit the number of offers you're giving out Click Create Offer to publish your offer immediately, or click the drop-down menu and choose Schedule Offer to post your offer later.

  Boost your offer
Offers are discounts you can share with your customers on Facebook. You can boost an offer you created on your Page so there's a better chance more people will see it. Boosting your offer will turn it into an offer ad. Steps to boost your offer from your Page Go to the offer on your Page and click Boost Offer. Choose your audience and budget based on how many people you want to reach and how long you'd like your boost to run. You can also click More Options to change your payment method. Click Boost Offer. Once your offer ad is reviewed and approved, your ad will start running.


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